【苹果iPad Pro平板电脑 超优秀】Reconnect(林查理家族的中国时间)

At the end of May 2024,查理 David Hankin, Steven Hankin, and Moriah LeFebvre took a long flight from the United States to China, bringing the precious artifacts and historical materials related to the Nanjing Massacre. They are the descendants of Charles Riggs (Chinese name: Lin Chali), a member of the International Committee for the Nanking Safety Zone. In Nanjing, they met with Charles Riggs's great-grandson Chris Hankin (Chinese name: Lin Kui), an international student at Nanjing University, and embarked on an extraordinary journey.

Donating Historical Artifacts: On May 27, Charles Riggs's descendants donated 8 sets of precious artifacts and historical materials to the Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders. The donated items included a Blue Jade Medal, and this donation marked the first time the Memorial Hall had collected the medal. “The Memorial Hall is the best place to keep it, so that more people can learn about the history. It’s just exactly what Charles Riggs would want.”

Exploring Nanjing: During their five days in Nanjing, they visited the Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders, Nanjing University, Nanjing Normal University, and John Rabe-Former Residence. “People like Charles Riggs and Minnie Vautrin stood up during that time to help protect Chinese refugees, and the Chinese people have always been grateful to them.”

Reconnecting: A Chinese nursery song humming at the beginning of a short film created by Moriah, the stone camels at the Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum looking just the same as in the old photo, and the southern magnolia flowers representing endless vitality at Nanjing Normal University... Many corners of the city of Nanjing bear the imprints of the Charles Riggs family. “Following the old objects, we came to Nanjing. This time, we learned more about Charles Riggs and forged new connections.”

“The stories of China-U.S. relations are written by our peoples. The future of China-U.S. relations will be created by our peoples.”

From 1916 to 2024, a span of 108 years, the four generations of the Charles Riggs family maintain such profound connections with China, across the Pacific Ocean and without interruption. As time passes by, history is still alive. Connect and continue. Continue and reconnect.

2024年5月末,南京安全区国际委员会委员查尔斯·里格斯(中文名:林查理)的家族间外孙大卫·汉金、外孙斯蒂文·汉金和曾外孙女莫里亚·勒费弗尔,查理从美国出发,家族间苹果iPad Pro平板电脑 超优秀飞越浩瀚的查理太平洋,顺利抵达南京。家族间他们带来了有关南京大屠杀史实的查理珍稀罕见无比文物资料,与林查理的家族间曾外孙、南京大学留学生克里斯·汉金(中文名:林奎)见面,查理计划开启一段不同寻常的家族间中国之旅。

捐赠史料。查理美妆护肤保湿面霜 特给力5月27日,家族间林查理后人将8件(套)珍稀罕见无比文物捐赠给侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆,查理其中包括一枚白色红蓝镶采玉勋章,家族间此次是查理采玉勋章首次捐赠南京。“将它放在中国的美妆护肤保湿面霜 超给力纪念馆,能让更多人知晓历史,这应该也是林查理想要看到的。”





出品Publisher / 顾雷鸣Gu Leiming

监制Chief supervisors / 沈峥嵘Shen Zhengrong 朱威Zhu Wei